Leadership Team
Oxford University Racing is 100% student-run.
Our Leadership Team consists of a set of passionate Oxford students who devote much time and hard work towards ensuring OUR’s success in the Formula Student Racing Competition.
Bodywork and Cooling Team
The Bodywork and Cooling Team is responsible for designing and manufacturing the bodywork and any aerodynamic devices of the car as well as ensuring that the powertrain components receive adequate cooling.
Ansys CFD is used to simulate the drag and downforce of any aerodynamic component and MATLAB is used to simulate our cooling loop. These tools allow us to improve our aerodynamic effeciency and ensure we can use our powertrain to its maximum potential.

Battery Team
The Battery Team is responsible for designing, building and testing the high voltage battery pack and other high voltage systems onboard and offboard the car, such as the battery charging system.
Our work is cross disciplinary requiring mechanical, thermal and electrical constraints to be considered when designing our system.
Chassis Team
The Chassis Team is responsible for designing and manufacturing the steel space frame of the car.
The chassis is the core bones of the car providing all the mounting solutions and safety systems that allows the car to go round the track. We use CAD and FEA in SOLIDWORKS to ensure our chassis is both high performance and safe.

Powertrain Team
The Powertrain eam deals with making the car run - from the inverters to the motors to the gearbox to the drivetrain.
Powertrain team has to handle the packaging and budgeting requirements to ensure the car has the maximum power possible deployed efficiently.
Simulations Team
The Simulation Team works to develop and code mathematically accurate models of the race-car for simulations.
Our responsibilities include developing numerical models for subsystems of the car as well as full vehicle models, which can then be used to advise the design choices of other teams within OUR. Our full vehicle models also play a role in driver training, as they can be run in real-time to give the drivers a realistic driving experience.

Electronics & Software Team
The Electronics & Software Teamwork towards building a strong foundation of electronic hardware through which they can program seamless vehicle input/output systems.
The Oxford University Racing car is electric, so naturally the Electronics & Software Team is one of the largest sub-teams and plays an essential role in its operation. Our team focuses on both hardware and software. Software tasks include programming the microcontroller for signal processing, managing the communications network and creating hazard-detection features for safety. Hardware tasks include designing and implementing circuit boards as well as crimping and wiring of the car.
Wheel Assembly Team
The Wheel Assembly Team’s responsibilities include the suspension, steering and braking systems ensuring that the car is easy and safe to drive at high speeds.
Our roles involve optimising how the distinct sub-systems of the car interact with each other and fit together. For the suspension, this means choosing geometries and spring rates. The steering wheel and tires are also our responsibilities. All the components making up wheel assembly are vital, and being part of the Wheel Assembly Team gives us a valued opportunity to make a big impact on the performance of the OUR electric car.

Race Team
The Race Team is responsible for the logistics of the entire team in progressing towards and completing the Formula Student race.
We make sure that everything that needs to get somewhere for an event, gets there. We also liaise between all the technical teams in order to produce a final vehicle that is worthy of the racetrack and the Formula name. The Race Team straddles the boundary of both technical and business operations, providing an essential bridge between the two.
Marketing & Sponsorship Team
The Marketing & Sponsorship Team manages the internal and external communications of the wider group, produces creative content and marketing/outreach campaigns.
In Marketing, we are responsible for the team's branding, graphic design, events, outreach activities, and online presence, including social media and the website. We maintain relationships with other teams, societies across the University of Oxford and anyone else who would like to get in touch with us. The easiest way to connect with us is through the OUR social channels, please feel free to say hello!
The Sponsorship Team is responsible for building and managing the team’s relationships with our many valued industry sponsors and partners. Our day-to-day roles involve liaising with our sponsors to create content for their social channels in return for funding or parts towards the building of our electric car. We’re grateful for the opportunity to interact with industry-leading companies and earn their ongoing support.

Business & Finance Team
The Business & Finance Team ensures that Oxford University Racing thrives as a fully functional mini-organisation with logistically and financially viable goals.
We have two primary responsibilities. Firstly, we are responsible for helping the wider OUR team operate in a collaborative, effective and enjoyable manner. This is done by working across the different sub-teams to identify and implement improvement opportunities. Secondly, the Business and Finance team manages OUR’s finances, ensuring the team operates within its financial means and helps by processing the team’s financial transactions